Today I met with the girl who will be doing my hair for the wedding. This was a chance to practice and see how I want my hair for the wedding. Angie joined me for the day!
While in town for our family reunion my dad wanted to see the Manzanar War Relocation Center which is close to Lone Pine. I didn't realize that this even existed. In 1942 the government ordered Japanese Americans and resident Japanese aliens to leave their homes and detained them in camps. There were 110,000 people who were sent one of the 10 different camps.
Lance and I drove to Lone Pine on Friday night for my Bonham (my dad's mom) family reunion. We stayed at the Dow Villa, my dad's cousins motel. Saturday morning we got up and headed out for a fun-filled day of activities. My mom, Lance and I started the day jeeping up to the Whitney Portals. My dad went golfing. Look at the pair of men in my life... wow!! The hiker and the golfer! Whitney Portals We also jeeped through the Alabamas. This is my great-grandma Skinner's house. We spent the second half of the day on Lake Diaz hanging out and jet-skiing. One last jeep trip! We ended the day with a family reunion dinner Sunday morning before we left we took a drive... look at the beautiful view! Growing up my dad spent a lot of time in Lone Pine. Once when he was there he rolled his VW van over a cliff. I had heard the story a couple of times but today he took us the place where it happened.
Today was a difficult day to get through... as of now I don't have a teaching job for next year. I have LOVED this career and am sad to think that I might not get to continue doing what I'm most passionate about. To brighten my day, Lance surprised me with balloons and a gift. Part of his surprise was a lesson on how to make lemonade when life gives you lemons. I had a blast this year with Belle and Caden. I still can't believe I ended up working at their school. I will always remember this school year with them and I hope they don't ever forget the memories we made. Debbie Andrews was a great friend this year! I feel so blessed to have met her and worked with her. Our "end of the year" celebration! Summer's on...
Fill a clear glass with ice. Pour some cranberry juice into the bottom. Next pour in some blue Gatorade making sure you pour directly onto the ice and not into the cranberry juice. Fill the rest of the glass with Diet 7 Up, again pouring directly onto the ice and not into the Gatorade.