We don't get a chance to see the Murphy's on Christmas because we always travel. That seems so silly since they are the family we see on a regular basis during the year. We decided to start a new tradition and have a family Christmas party before we all head our separate ways for the holiday. Heather cooked while I did crafts with the kids. She made a delicious dinner and we made picture frames for the cute pictures above. We also made gingerbread houses!! or gingerbread ????... not sure what that is! "I DON'T LIKE GUM!!!" -Boden
Since I spend so much time in San Diego during the week, I got zoo passes for Boden and I. After lots of begging and zoo talk we finally made another trip to the zoo today. Bo spent lots of time watching this polar bear play with the ball in the water.
My helper pushing the stroller... the zoo is huge and exhausting with lots of walking and hills! Pooped! That's exactly how I felt too.... wish I was asleep in the stroller.
Fill a clear glass with ice. Pour some cranberry juice into the bottom. Next pour in some blue Gatorade making sure you pour directly onto the ice and not into the cranberry juice. Fill the rest of the glass with Diet 7 Up, again pouring directly onto the ice and not into the Gatorade.